Friday, March 23, 2012

Pregnant: Week 29

Hi everyone!

We had a doctor's visit yesterday.  I had to do the blood glucose test, which frankly wasn't nearly as bad as everyone had led me to believe.  =P  I also got the "okay" to make a 14+ hour round trip over the weekend in a few weeks, so that's cool.

For those of you who don't know, it's a girl.  Her name is Arane Faith.  "Arane" is said "air-uh-nay."  Emphasis on the first syllable.  She seems to be doing pretty well, judging by the amount of time she spends doing aerobics and practicing her punches.  :)

This is her first picture, taken about 2 months ago.  I'm sure she's gotten bigger!  She actually looked a little like an alien in a lot of the pictures (she's still growing, give her a break... :) ).

There is a slight "variation upon normal" with the umbilical cord which means she may come out kinda small.  Did you know that umbilical cords are supposed to have two arteries and a vein?  I didn't.  But they are.  This one has just one artery and a vein.  It doesn't seem to have affected her at all because she's bigger than average, according to the reading and studying I've done.

In other news, this is how I'm looking this week:

My mom, who lives about 8 hours away from me, has been asking for a picture for a few weeks now.  I finally took one today while talking to her, so that's why I'm in sweat pants, a tank top, and no shoes!  Usually I wear cuter pregnancy clothes (why not, if I have them?) but it was 90 degrees outside today and we don't have the A/C units installed yet.  Kinda warm.

The box at the very bottom of the picture actually has baby clothes (newborn - 12 months) in it.  We bought that whole box completely stuffed full with things bulging out of the top full of baby clothes last week for $100!  So far I've counted 65 articles of clothing, and I've only washed about half of it.  Pretty neat!

Here's my baby stash so far:

I haven't even started washing her cloth diapers yet, but that's next on my list after I get through all of these clothes.  My goal is to finish by the time we have our baby shower (co-ed, hosted by our church -- fun!) in a few weeks.  There are sorted but unwashed clothes everywhere... in piles on the floor, on top of the wardrobe, in the box, etc.

Underneath all the clothes in this picture are diapers, wipes, a few Dr. Seuss books that Justin bought for Arane, a picture frame, and some cute little baby shoes.  :)  We are still working on her room, but she's got a crib, book case, diaper organizer thing, wall shelves, a high chair, and a pack'n'play in there, along with a few little things that for some reason got put there instead of with the other little things.  I think she's almost all set!


  1. She must be a relation and not an alien if she already has a bookcase and isn't even born yet. ;) She's a cute little kid.
